The ERP Information System – Sihos web, is a robust software that integrates the different administrative areas of a company, made under the current legal regulations. Its purpose is to reduce redundant tasks or processes that are carried out within the organization.
ERP – SIHOS Administrative and financial

Financial component
Completely integrated financial modules that affect IFRS accounting and on-line budget, sending redundant tasks, allow the updating of operations in real time and therefore the financial status of the institution for quick and decisive decision making.

Administrative component
Modules that allow adequate control of all of the company’s Resources to generate timely and valuable information that helps to improve client satisfaction and the company’s image.

Process management
With ERP – Sihos you will find the perfect ally to carry all administrative processes easily and quickly. You can configure the entire system according to the needs of your organization. It has modules that can help you in the management and accounting of your organization.
SIHOS WEB offers the functionality to obtain reports of a certain period, in order to know the information necessary for decision making. Know the balances of inventories, balances, warehouse balances and everything related to administrative management.
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